Sport massage
What is sport massage?

A sport massage is the use of complex hand grips on a bare and relaxed body or body part of a healthy athlete. Purpose is to improve the physical condition of the athlete, to cure possible injuries quicker and to take away the causes of a sport injury, or to ease this by reducing fatigue. Massaging the waste substances from the muscles will ensure a better blood circulation of the muscles and this will reduce the chances on injuries. By using various massage techniques on the body, impulses are given to the body. These impulses cause a reaction in the body and should lead to restoring the balance in the body. If the balance is disrupted by overstraining, it causes various reactions. These reactions can be tiredness, muscle ache, bad circulation, increased tension, stiffness, cramp and accumulation of fluid. A sport massage can ensure that these reactions are reduced or solved completely. This type of massage can also ensure that the occurrence of these reactions is reduced and has therefore a preventive effect. A sport massage has a relaxing effect on the body, and is therefore also recommended to non-athletes. Non-athletes can have the same reactions as athletes. This can for example be caused by an incorrect posture, stress or other reasons.
We distinguish two types of sport massages:
- A sedative sport massage that is given after a physical effort and has as purpose to discharge the waste substances and excess fluid from the muscles and to relax the muscles.
- A stimulating sport massage that is given prior a physical effort and has as purpose to ensure a good circulation in the muscles to prevent injuries. This can be part of a warming up for a training or game.
Afhankelijk van het doel van de massage, sederend of stimulerend, worden de handgrepen, het tempo en het accent op de spiergroepen aangepast. Depending on the purpose of the massage, sedative or stimulating, the hand grips, the speed and the focus on the muscle group are adjusted. The sport massage is carried out on a healthy body. Treatment of serious injuries is done by a doctor or physio therapist. After the treatment by a doctor or physio therapist the possible after treatment can be done by a sport masseur. He/she can for example apply a supporting tape/bandage and keep the muscles fit by massage. We can also provide advice on for example nutrition, clothing, shoes and hygiene.
Lilawadee is a certified sport masseur.